Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Universal Images

Everyone can Astral Project: Part 4

Everyone can Astral Project part 3

Everyone can Astral Project part 2

Everyone can Astral Project part 1

Universal Images

SaLuSa 13-September-2010

SaLuSa 13-September-2010

It is not just the U.S, that has paid its respects to those who died in the tragedy that was 9/11, but the whole world remembers the human loss involved. There is in a manner of speaking another tragedy, inasmuch that the media still generally refers to it as a terrorist attack yet the facts tell otherwise. For people who are sufficiently experienced to voice a professional point of view as to what took place, there is frustration that there has been no official acknowledgement of their findings. This situation will remain until greater freedom of speech is allowed, and an independent enquiry takes place. At present there are still too many people with power, who have collaborated in the false terrorist attack who can exert pressure upon those anxious to release the truth. There is also anger that the Government still holds to the official version, even although it is quiet clear that it cannot possibly answer all of the questions. We want to tell you that all of those involved in the conspiracy will be exposed, and they will answer for their crimes against Humanity. In the greater scheme of things, every soul will face every action that has led to the injury or death of another soul.

We do not wish to dwell on 9/11 as the truth of what happened on that fatal day is becoming public knowledge. It has not achieved the results that the dark Ones desired, but as a result it has brought about a new set of tough security laws. All of these contrived situations are simply to exercise stricter controls over your freedom of movement. In the long term your freedom will be restored, as once a new Government is established it will be based upon your inherent sovereign rights. Such changes will spread across the world like a breath of fresh air, and the past will be gradually fade away like a very bad dream. The dark Ones have played out their hand, and have been defeated. It is now a matter of sweeping up after them, and bringing in the long awaited changes that will enrich people’s lives.

Matters change day to day but one thing is for sure, and that is your victory and subsequent elevation into the higher dimensions. It has been planned for eons of time, and in spite of what may appear to be setbacks it advances in a most acceptable way. The chaos that you are experiencing now is unavoidable as the old system breaks down, but that is necessary to make the room for a totally new civilisation that is now emerging. So many of you came into this period of time, because you have the skills and understanding that will be needed to surge ahead. You might reflect on the fact that you have created your reality, but it was at a higher level that the divine plan was conceived and it will not change except for divine intervention.

The energies that are directed to Earth continue to lift up your vibrations, and are affecting your physical bodies in a beneficial way. It is too early for many of you to register the changes, but there will eventually be a regeneration of your body cells. You are beginning to move into your Ascension bodies, and these will not carry forward any existing imperfections. The nearer you get to Ascension a quickening will take place, until you are finally ready for the great upliftment. By then of course, we will have been with you for quite a time guiding you along. So you can see that we are essential to your progress, and we are excitedly waiting for the first opportunity to present ourselves to you.

We cannot promise you that things will improve yet, as the financial conditions being experienced at present have not yet bottomed out. Your civilisation is collapsing, and it cannot be saved from the implosion that is taking place. Yet at the same time the new one is being born, and rising like the phoenix from its ashes. Civilisations come and go quite often but whereas of late there has been a downward trend, your time has come for yours to take that great leap forward. The cycle of duality is finally at an end, and you will soon enter a peaceful and happy period.

The future beckons and you are beginning to envisage its attraction after the darkness you have experienced. There were times when you knew no different and life seemed to be utterly bleak without any real chance of it changing. What few of you understood was that Heaven was lovingly watching over you, and planning your release into the Light. At any given time greater souls have always incarnated upon Earth, to keep you aware of your true selves. The truth was not always shared around, for reasons that its survival depended upon it being preserved by those who were already at a higher level of understanding. However, the Light cannot be extinguished as everything that already is depends upon it for its existence. In effect all that the dark does is highlight the lack of Light, and it is through such experiences that you grow spiritually.

Your individual journeys are almost at an end, so enjoy the prospect of it all changing for the better because you need not return to duality again. Let the upsets and worries of everyday life; be measured against the bright and happy future that is just around the corner. Set your sights upon all that is good and wholesome, and ignore those who would have it otherwise. The dark Ones will still be around and they too will learn something from you. One day they will find the Light that still shines within, even if it is now veiled by the darkness they have created.

Our presence is to help all souls, and we do not choose one soul over another where our help is concerned. It is up to each individual to decide in which direction their future is going, and regardless of their choice they will be treated with kindness and love. That is the only way to penetrate the darkness, and help those souls who are trapped. Let no one believe that they are superior to another soul, and know that it is not the way of those who have become spiritually enlightened. Love is the powerful energy of the Creator and holds all of creation together.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you for seeking out the truth, and I hope that in your search you find the answers you seek. Follow your intuition, and be prepared to change direction when the need arises.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 10-September-2010

SaLuSa 10-September-2010

Let no one deny you your rights to your own beliefs, but honour another soul who has chosen a different path. It should be possible to exist side by side, without causing issues that bring about confrontation. It may be hard at times to observe others who follow their faith that involves persecution of their own kind. However, it must be borne in mind, that all souls are following a path that they have chosen for themselves. It is therefore important that you do not interfere with them, even although your motives may be of the highest order. You experience what is necessary for your spiritual evolution, and there are no exceptions to it. So Dear Ones, you may ask how are you to deal with such a situation, and the answer is simply by example. If you believe that by doing so you can influence another person for the better, that is as much as you can do.

Man has perpetually interfered with other races and groups, and it has led to wars and hatred that has continued for millennia of time. You can apply the same observations where individuals are involved, and resentment and outright hostility can result. Now clearly young people need guidance, but when they come of age they will seek their own expression of what life means to them. As any parent knows, it can be a very difficult period for everyone involved. Parents have a great responsibility to guide their children, in such a way that they become worthy citizens. If you apply that thinking to a more spiritual level, you will understand that there is little if any difference in your responsibilities.

Taking it all even to a higher level, you will see that God is like a parent, indeed do you not refer to having a Father/Mother God. God takes loving care of you, but at the same time grants you freewill to experience exactly as you wish. If you stray from the Light there are no recriminations or punishment, as some believe. God will time and time again bless you, and surround you with love knowing that in time you will return to the Light. If you consider the present situation on Earth, you will realise that freewill has led you to this period in your growth. It could have been left to continue with the prospect of Man’s demise, but with divine decree you are being given the opportunity of Ascension. That we would say is an indication of the outpouring of love that the Creator has for all of you. We are referring to Unconditional Love, and that is the goal of very single soul as they evolve back to the Source. To reach such a level whilst on Earth is indeed most difficult because of the conditions created by duality. However, if it is your intent to live that way as far as possible, then you are well on your way to ascending. The lower vibrations cannot keep you back, and at a certain point you would in any event ascend.

The journey to freedom may be long as you experience it, but all of the way you are being accompanied by souls who are guiding you onto the path of Light and Love. There are times when people feel that they have been deserted, but be assured that your guides are always with you. It is just that when you are at a low point, you are much harder to reach. As we have explained previously, it is your karma and need for certain experiences that often prevents direct intervention. Yet, many of you can recall times when you have been “miraculously” saved from some harm because you have been given help by your Angelic Guides. Even after you ascend higher Beings accompany you, but it becomes a more open relationship of which you have full awareness.

We continue to acquaint you with the facts relating to your lives upon Earth, and how much of it at this time is preparation for changes, and subsequent lives in the higher dimensions. You need to bridge the gap caused by your descent into the lower realms, and your loss of consciousness of your real selves. The more you remember whom you really are, the quicker you will evolve to full consciousness. It is like entering the gateway to the Sun, and you suddenly find yourself engulfed in the Light. All of these type of experiences should come quite naturally to you, as you are returning to levels that are familiar to you.

The Galactic Federation is as ready as ever to open a friendly relationship with you. We know you and your ways of thinking very well, and that enables us to negotiate with you successfully. We come not to dictate to you, but bring us together in our joint ventures. We will however ensure that you are well prepared, for the final days upon Earth in this particular dimension. In effect, we are saying that if you want to join us, then you have to become one of us. Since some of you are already from civilisations that are members of our Federation, it will not present any difficulties for you. Quite naturally you will want to meet your family once your sojourn upon Earth is completed. These ideas are possibly new to you now, but as you get used to us and learn more about us it will all seem so familiar to you.

Never before have you been faced with such important decisions in your lifetime, as the opportunity to ascend en masse only comes around with the completion of a cycle. It has not been dropped upon you out of the blue, and you have been considerably helped for quite a few hundred years. The more you move towards the Light, the less likely you are to slip back. It becomes a way of life that is not nearly as hard as you might imagine. In fact, with time it does become much easier and it gives you a very uplifted feeling. It is the ability to stay centred when many around you are losing their head. To stay calm in the midst of turmoil, thus bringing some stability where it is needed. For example your energy will have a pacifying effect on others around you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel sure that you are feeling the nearness of the changes that are so important to disclosure. So we will confirm that the situation is coming to a conclusion, and nothing will stop it happening. You have provided the necessary support that we need, and as ever our allies are in readiness for the instruction to go ahead. It will come suddenly upon you, and you will know for sure what it portends where your future is concerned. Oh what joy and ecstasy will follow at the first signs of your release from the hold of the dark Ones, what memorable days lay ahead.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 15-September-2010

SaLuSa 15-September-2010

Everything is racing along its allotted path, and when it all comes together you will have reached Ascension. It is the final act that will close the door on duality, and see you moving into the higher realms. The ideal conditions for the end times to materialise are fast approaching, and all that you have been working for will be your reward. Subconsciously you have always known it to be so, as you knew this lifetime would lead to a successful conclusion. If you keep your sights upon the good that is to come out the chaos, you will be able to keep out of troubles way and take everything in your stride. After all you have been preparing for these times over many lives. Your final experiences will be ones of upliftment, and you will have everything that you need to establish yourself as a Galactic Being.

From where you are your expectations for the future seem so far away, yet unbeknown to you advancement continues to bring the times of great change much nearer. It is possible to live in the way you envisage is necessary for Ascension, as it requires no more than the intent to treat others as you would have them treat you. Love is the key word in the higher dimensions, and it is an energy that is pure ecstasy to enjoy. All of you at some time have experienced the joy of such a vibration, but have yet to know the power that it carries. You will exist in a constant state of elation, and happiness that knows no bounds.

You have so much to look forward to, and making every effort to be ready for your Ascension will ensure your success. As you must know by now some souls will not feel ready to move on, finding contentment in their present existence. They will however have subconsciously noted what has taken place, and these memories will in a later period of time awaken them to the truth of their being. You never totally lose your memory of the trials and tribulations you have experienced, or the joy and happiness you have shared. It is what life is about and it is planned life by life to advance you spiritually. No souls are beyond help, but can sometimes become virtual prisoners in the depths of darkness that can overwhelm them.

Clearly it is hoped that as many souls as possible achieve the great leap forward, and there will be no lack of guidance from their helpers. However cycles of opportunity will continue to come around, and those who choose to remain in their present dimension will have periodic chances of upliftment. It is quite possible that some of you will choose to serve those in such a position, as their Guides. There are a number of options open to you after you have ascended, and they will reflect your new found love for all life. For those of you who are uncertain about their future, there are Higher Beings who have a greater spiritual understanding that will preside over your decision making.

What you are learning on Earth is that duality is an illusion, and bears little resemblance to the dimensions where you really belong. However, it needs an awakening of Self to the truth, before you can really appreciate what you left behind in taking on the challenge of duality. Now the intense Light starts to shine out from Earth, and we know that it signifies your superb response to the energies converging upon Earth. Can you doubt that Ascension is a certainty, because regardless of what the dark Ones do to impede your progress, it will not make any difference. The battle that has been taking place between the dark and Light always had a predictable outcome; even so you had your freewill.

The Galactic Federation is in touch with the Ascended Masters, and many Higher Beings that form the various Brotherhoods. We respect their position and authority but do not regard them in awe, as we all have our particular responsibilities working as One. On Earth you tend to work against each other, rather than in friendly cooperation, which you will find becomes more evident with our coming. By that time major changes will have occurred that will remove the obstacles to such cooperation. At heart you are all benign Beings seeking peace and comfort in your lives. That has been deliberately denied you by the dark Ones, who have caused chaos wherever they have gained control. Fortunately that control is rapidly vanishing, and now you are experiencing the inevitable difficulties of releasing yourselves from them.

As ascended Beings one of your most exhilarating experiences, will be your new body. They will be of energy and lightness so that you barely realise you have one, and because you are in the higher vibrations you will feel the perfection that they bring you. No aches or pains, or disabilities as along with illnesses they cannot exist in the high vibrations. On Earth your bodies by contrast are like lead weights, and sensitive to discomfort and disease. Your new bodies will be indestructible, and you will simply move to another one when you choose to change it. You will find that they do not wear out, and by your understanding last indefinitely. Finally, when out of the body you will be able to take on any appearance you desire, which may be useful when meeting up with souls who would not otherwise recognise you.

The significance of the changes we have mentioned may not dawn upon you, but they mean you have total independence. It is a freedom that is at present difficult for you to comprehend, but deep within you will acknowledge it as one of your sovereign rights. These will gradually be restored as you rise up, and become completely restored with the ongoing process of Ascension. As you will no doubt realise, there is quite a big jump to be made from your present situation. However, it will take off very soon and the changes will come fast and frequently.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and privileged to have this contact with you. From it you gain some idea of what we are like, and our outlook on life. We are different to you because we are already ascended Beings, but our mission is to bring you alongside with us. For those who come with us we shall move into other parts of the Galaxy, as we seek more opportunities to serve those evolving into the Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 8-September-2010

SaLuSa 8-September-2010

You have climbed the mountain and are now ready to step onto the summit. The journey of life in the lower vibrations has all but finished, and that means for every soul that is presently on Earth. By your actions and deeds you have reached a certain pinnacle in your evolution, which now requires you to move onto yet another cycle of experience. You will commence it with all of the spiritual knowledge gained as it remains with you forever. Those who remain in the 3rd. dimension are no lesser Beings than any other soul. It is simply that there is still more for them to learn, before they choose to move on. You should not therefore try to coerce others into following your path if they are not ready. All will eventually reach their goal, and your paths will often meet on that journey.

The bonding that has taken place between many of you will ensure that you can always reach each other, regardless of the level of consciousness that you have achieved. Beyond your present dimension you will be able to use your power of thought to contact another soul with distance as no obstacle. For the same reason, you will also be able to move from one location to another instantly. Gone will be all of the time consuming efforts you have to put in on Earth to achieve the same results. Already some of you are developing your telepathic abilities, and as the vibration increases you will find it becoming more commonplace. Dear Ones, you are returning to a state of being that is yours by rights, one that you left to enter the present cycle of duality.

It must seem like a dream when you learn of what lies ahead, but the dream is the one you are leaving which is the world of illusion. It is your creation but was never going to hold the higher vibrations for any length of time. There have been phases of both darkness and Light, and you are just leaving the Dark Ages that have taken you to levels almost devoid of Light. The dark Ones are now having to relinquish their power in the face of the changes that are restoring the Light upon Earth. You will find the blossoming of the first real signs of change, although in reality it has been slowly taking place for a very long time. It has been about raising the Light levels to release you from the hold the dark Ones have had on you. That has been remarkably successful, and clearly helped by those souls of the Light incarnating upon Earth. Spirit does not fall asleep and allow the darkness to totally control you. So you can be sure as now, that there is continuous help being given to you.

The Galactic Federation has been instrumental in helping you along for a long time. It is because you are approaching the end of the cycle, that our presence has become more evident and that indeed was our intention. We are an important part of your awakening process, and here by divine decree. It has meant that your ideas of life beyond Earth have had to be thought out again. The dark would have you believe that there are no benevolent Space Beings, and that there are only aliens that pose some threat to you. The truth is that it is the dark Ones who have colluded with the aliens – specifically the Greys, and together they have brought about the near prison conditions that you are experiencing. Before you ask the question, let us say that we could not interfere with that liaison, because the aliens took advantage of the Law of Attraction. Nevertheless, we are allowed to ensure that there is no interference from other civilisations with ulterior motives for visiting Earth. Often in the distant past it has been to mine your gold and other precious minerals that are not readily found on other planets.

You have no reason to know how much attention has been given to you and your Earth. Be assured however that your evolution has always been closely monitored, to ensure that you were able to reach the end of the cycle as planned. You were not simply left to your own devices or the attention of other Beings. However, within the context of allowing you freewill you have created the conditions for your own experiences. It has been the lack of Light that has allowed your descent into the dark realms. Thankfully, the plan to lift you up has been successful, and today you have brought the Light to your Earth to the extent that it is well grounded.

So as we review your situation, we can say that all proceeds well to achieve the intended result at the end times. No matter how many beautiful experiences you may have had whilst on Earth, they will pale into insignificance once you take your place in the higher dimensions. Beauty is in your mind but on Earth it is not always possible to express it, as you would wish. Yet when your powers to create are restored, the perfection as visualised by you will manifest. Nothing is flawed in the higher dimensions, and beauty and harmony will be all around you. With it comes the most happy and contented feeling, as you bask in the Light.

When you despair at the many obstacles in your lives, switch tracks to what the future holds for you. Live the future now as far as possible and when you meet people who would pull you down, let their comments or actions leave you unaffected. They will soon get tired of your refusal to respond to their negativity. As time goes by you will find more and more you are drawn to people that are similar to your own vibrations. Soon you will only move within a specific circle of friends that share the same interests. It does not mean that you ignore others, as they may benefit from your help. Be on hand if you can share your knowledge with them, and measure it so that it meets their level of understanding.

Remember that you are sailing in the same boat, but when the winds of change come some will have to change course. Your destination depends on how well you have prepared for the changes, but not everyone will move on to Ascension. The process has been in place for a long time, but now that it is speeding up you cannot lag behind if you are serious about Ascension. After all you have been through it is well worth every effort you can muster to cross the finishing line.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and hope we have inspired you to boldly go forward without any hesitation. We love you all and each of you are dear to us.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 17-September-2010

SaLuSa 17-September-2010

As you must imagine many events are lining up that will bring you freedom, they will follow in a sequence that will make good sense and quickly open up the path to Ascension. Looking back you will find that our projections of when to expect developments, have been quite accurate. At the time you often do not know what to look for, and it is only later that you can see how certain events are linked together. You are well aware that when you look for results events appear to have moved slowly, yet it takes many pieces to complete the jigsaw. Right now, we approach the well deserved victory that will see the first of many major changes. We are well ready as ever, having rehearsed for this time with meticulous planning. We know about the personal hardships many of you are suffering, but please realise that it will not be for much longer. We can assure you that we have the answers to your worldwide problems. Not only that, we also have the technologies and personnel to carry them out.

We wish to quickly transform your society’s ability to cater for your needs, so that in a relatively short time no one need go short food or water. There are priorities that we will address immediately, so as to lift up the deprived people of the poorer countries. The major ones have a great responsibility to others, and by the time their help is needed they will be under new leadership. The old brigade can hardly be trusted with the future of you all, and they will be kept out of positions of power. Law and order will also be reviewed to ensure it operates in a fair and just manner. We know by name all of those people who have been falsely imprisoned, and they shall be promptly released. Those guilty of crimes will be treated more humanely, and with advanced techniques that will remove such tendencies. From this you will realise that we have given much thought and planning to the upliftment of Man. All shall share in the new wealth which is to be created, and at a stroke it will remove many of the problems that beset you.

We want you to understand how much will done for you as part of the general upliftment. When the changes are well advanced, your reliance upon the old forms of energy will have been removed. No more shall you be restricted and live only on what you can afford, and free energy will supply all of your needs to give you comfort and warmth when required. We are talking about creating a new civilisation that will be ready to take a quantum leap into the future. You are indeed privileged to be on Earth at this time, and to be part of such experiences. Many souls would gladly exchange positions with you, to see the end of duality and experience the joys that are yet to come.

There is a great of deal of knowledge to pass on to you, and we shall enhance your ability to absorb it much more quickly. Eventually you will have a perfect memory, but that will come with your upliftment into the higher dimensions. The possibilities of increasing your memory now, are relative to the degree to which you lift up your levels of consciousness. You will find that you grow in awareness, and psychic abilities will become quite commonplace. Telepathy will eventually be adopted, and there will be no need for the spoken word. That is in fact our position now, and with it also comes the ability to read minds. It is not however used as a means to be intrusive, and every soul is allowed to decide who they allow to access to their thoughts.

There will be opposition to our coming, but more than anything that will be rooted in the fear of the unknown. However, we will be doing all we can to allay those fears, and feel quite sure that we can satisfy people that we come in peace and for your benefit. We will also overcome any suspicion that we have some ulterior motive in mind, and our intent and actions will be quite open. Much of our work on Earth will be coordinated with your new government representatives, and as we have mentioned previously, the media will be used to follow our activities. It will not take long before it becomes clearly apparent that we come to restore your Earth, and return you to the status of sovereign citizens.

As quick as we move ahead we must ask for patience where your individual problems are concerned, as we are initially working to a plan to relieve the conditions that are more widespread. We have not promised you more than we can deliver, and the size of the task does not in the slightest way daunt us. While attention is being given to your requirements on Earth, a massive operation will be taking place out in space. It will involve the cleansing of your atmosphere from pollution, and the removal of what you would call space junk remaining from various experiments that have been carried out. Also from above we can closely monitor changes in and on the Earth, and we will advise you when any form of danger is a threat to you.

One most noticeable change will be the freedom accorded to your journalists and television news stations, and when you are given information it will be truthful. Hitherto your media has been so controlled that you have been fed exactly what the Illuminati wish you to believe, and the news has been deliberately fabricated for their own purposes. Truth has been a rare commodity over many years, and your politicians have only themselves to blame for your lack of trust in them. With the new governments that will all change, and it will not take long to convince you that a new and trusted breed of politician has arrived. They will serve the people first and last, and honesty will replace the corrupt practises that have become rampant. Generally speaking the fall of your civilisation has come about, because of the low vibrations on Earth that have attracted such souls of a similar vibration. Conversely, when the vibrations lift up it will open the way for higher beings to come to you.

Man may make his own laws, but the Universal Laws are supreme and are immutable. They are based on love, justice and sharing so that each civilisation respects the sovereignty of others. The Galactic Federation is one such example of what we mean, and each civilisation that is a member works in harmony with each other. In the near future your civilisation will reach such levels, and Ascension is an important step along the way. We are leading you in to the Love and Light that will forever change your life.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 6-September-2010

SaLuSa 6-September-2010

The power that you have could not be better illustrated than how the Lightworkers although a minority, have overcome the lower energies. They have also as individuals been able to lift themselves out of their pull, and established the Light. In carrying it with them they have the affect of enlightening others. Such ones are the backbone of our allies, and take much credit for creating the new paradigm. Those dear souls that hover between the Light and dark are awakening, and soon they will have to make a decision as to whether they will evolve into the Light. Certainly the questions are arising in their minds, and as we have noted previously there is a reluctance to move out of their comfort zone. After many lives in a particular mindset, it is difficult for them to change direction. However, there is a plan to ensure that they understand what the choice is, so that there are no regrets once Ascension has taken place. So we must say that you have no need to concern yourselves about souls, as they will ultimately make the correct choice for themselves.

As you might imagine, once the real changes commence people will be unable to ignore them. They will be so sweeping that it will soon be apparent that a new Earth is being birthed. They will soon receive the support of the majority of them, so that the benefits will be clearly seen. One by one the problems that plague you now will be overcome, and in such a way that it will be obvious that the results are permanent. To root out the corruption that infests most governments will be welcomed, as people are not that blinkered that they cannot see what is going on. That change alone will give them great hope for the future, particularly when they understand that those souls appointed to replace them are of the Light. They will appointed by us as an interim measure, and in due course more candidates of the Light will come forward. Then you shall see what a government for the people can really achieve. It will bring people together and a great community spirit will result, and they will want to play their part in it and bring great happiness into being.

As more people than at present visualise a new Earth, it will help speed up its manifestation. As we of the Galactic Federation help organise the cleansing of the Earth, a completely new era of cooperation will begin. At last you will see hope for the future, and eagerly work for the changes knowing how wonderful the results will be. Quickly the old vibrations and their influences will begin to disappear, and the truth about your true potential will become known. Arguments and contention between groups with different beliefs will be set aside with revelations about your true selves, and most importantly your godselves. You created the differences between you although it must be said, that you were encouraged to do so by those who gained power by keeping you separated.

In essence and because of your spiritual selves, you are loving souls that seek peace but have been led astray. The differences that have been exploited are many, but it has mainly occurred because of religion, politics and culture. In the light of the truth about such matters, the different religious sects will find a more common approach. After all if the one truth is accepted, there will no major differences between them in their central beliefs. Politics will be totally changed and the idea of having an opposition will be replaced, by a positive approach so that the best ideas of all representatives are incorporated. Energy or time will not be allowed to be wasted by causing dissension or objections purely for the sake of political advantage. Cooperation is going to be the new word in politics, and the people will have a part to play in it.

Everything that is going to bring the changes into being are focussed upon, and it is leading you into the new vibrations in preparation for Ascension. It will be a time of one revelation after another, and will be a truly joyous period in your lives. You will know beyond doubt that the Light has become firmly established, and the darkness that clouded your lives has been defeated. This is how it was planned by those Higher Beings that are totally committed to bringing you Light and Love. We know that some souls are frightened by the prospect of ascending, as though it is an unnatural process. Nothing could be further from the truth, as it is rather the reverse situation. In ascending, what you are being given is the opportunity to return to a previous state of bliss that you used to enjoy. Whilst a form of duality still exists in the higher dimensions, it is by no means of such a fierce challenge as you have experienced. Duality does not necessarily mean that you have to experience the extremes that you have on Earth.

As you do your best to live now in accordance with your vision of the higher dimensions, you are drawing further away from the lower energies. There will come a time when they will have no impact upon at all. Your Light will be so powerful that it repels or transmutes the lower energies. We must however come back to the “fear” factor that the dark Ones still try to impose upon you. In the midst of chaos there are some real concerns, but take matters calmly and know that they are simply signs of the past slipping out of your reality. Have no concern about your dwellings or property, as all of your needs will be amply covered. Our plan for your safety and comfort will ensure that all your needs are well supplied. There will inevitably be some discomfort, but with regard to the scale of changes that are taking place it is to be expected.

You have come a long way in such a short time, that you are already seeing things around you in a completely new mindset. It helps you keep a realistic perspective of how matters will work out, and with the knowledge you have gained that all will change to your advantage and well being. From our point of view, you have been prepared for this time for some 60 years or more. It was with the advent of our regular appearance in your skies, that your consciousness was awakened to our existence. As a result our open coming no longer presents the fears or apprehension that once existed. In fact, it is pleasing for us to find that many more people welcome us with open arms.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you every success in your personal quest for truth and understanding. May the Love and Light be with you always.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 27-September-2010

SaLuSa 27-September-2010

You are in unusual times and so shall it continue until the course for mankind becomes clear. There are signs that indicate progress is being made, and the longer it goes on the nearer you come to the day of reckoning for the Illuminati. There is no way back for them, as we are at the end of a cycle that will see the passing of the old Earth. It is changing along with you and all life forms upon it. As individuals some of you are noting the changes within self, and it is a feeling of contentment and peace that is not affected by what is going on around you. You carry a positive outlook and know that you will go all the way to Ascension. That is what we have been working towards for a very long time and as we repeatedly inform you, nothing can stop it coming.

Your Sun continues to play a major part in what is happening throughout the solar system. Its intensity is increasing and it is bringing a response from you and Mother Earth. Physical changes will increase proportionally, but we are here to ensure that they do not have devastating results. We are protecting you as far as possible, but some loss of life is inevitable. Simply remember that all souls on Earth to witness and take part in the end times, are those who desired to be present. Fear nothing that happens as we are working behind the scenes, and before long we will be able to do so openly. The official contact with you may well come all of a sudden, and be accompanied by an organised showing of our craft. Matters are coming to a head and whilst our patience is unlimited, there are nevertheless time lines that we must necessarily adhere to.

Your levels of consciousness continue to grow exponentially, and it gathers speed as those who are ahead are instrumental in helping others lift up. This will continue unabated, and the dark Ones no longer have any answer or means of stopping it. They try to bury their head in the sand and ignore the obvious consequences, but will soon discover that it is a quicksand and that their time is up. We will always have the upper hand as when our negotiations are refused, we can use our divine authority to bring a sudden and complete end to their power. They cannot hold us to ransom or prevent mankind moving forward. As you might say, our offer is on the table and it is final but either way we shall lead you on to Ascension.

The energies as ever continue to charge the Earth, and are being felt by those who are sensitive to the changes. Your scientists are also noting what is happening, but presently cautious and not totally prepared to voice their findings. However, the truth will slowly come out, and help establish the truth of what has been taking place and the effect upon you. What is happening is the wonderful and beautiful transformation of Mother Earth and all life forms, and already it is there for you to see if you are awakened to it. See the new, rather than focus on the old as it disintegrates before your eyes, and this way you will place your energy where it does the most good.

Although conditions continue to be chaotic in many parts of the world, there is nevertheless an underlying sense of peace as the ultimate goal is realised. Being able to go through life without fear allows for such an achievement, as there is nothing that can bring your vibrations down. You can face any trauma with full confidence, knowing that in a relatively short time everything will change for the good of all. With each change the greater goal will become apparent, and you will achieve even more confidence. To hold on to your faith is asking a lot without proof of what is to come, but that will be given as soon as our presence is officially recognised. Also when we can openly come to Earth, we will make presentations that will ensure you are fully aware of what is involved in preparing for Ascension. We are on this journey with you and we want to share our knowledge with you. After all, many of you will eventually join us and you will quickly be lifted to our dimensional level.

We note that the financial situation is leading towards a total revision, and already the break up of large organisations is proposed. As smaller units they will be more manageable and easily controlled, so that there is never a repeat of the fiasco that has brought countries to their knees. Power is to correctly revert to the people from whom unscrupulous bankers took it many years ago. This will all be part of the restoration of your rights, and will continue until once again you are Sovereign Beings. This is an absolute promise and part of the divine decree to restore you and your Earth to what it used to be. Then it shall continue to lift up through the process of Ascension and beyond, in a never-ending journey to even higher dimensions.

Whatever way you look at it the future for you is assured, and you will be following in the footsteps of those who have gone before. You will understand that there is nothing new that is taking place, as it is a natural step up that occurs when souls have reached a certain level of consciousness. The old will have served its purpose well, and you are ready for new adventures. However, these will be in the higher dimensions unless you elect to serve other civilisations that are still in duality. The Galactic Federation will exist in its present format, until every civilisation has evolved sufficiently to join us. That is our service to others through the ordination by God, and that is why we are here in great numbers to see you safely achieve Ascension.

Meantime we urge you to never relax your guard, as until we remove the dark ones they will continue to try their best to abort the work we are doing together. Our allies are spread all over the world, but the main focus is still upon America. It is where it is expected that the long awaited announcement about us will come from very soon. Yes, you have heard this many times but it does draw nearer and with a number of options in mind, we know it cannot be delayed much longer.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that we are encircling your Earth so that nothing escapes our attention. From our position we can act instantly if the situation calls for it. We limit the effects of natural and also unnatural changes, but many have to be allowed to occur for the sake of Mother Earth. So Dear Ones, know that all proceeds well regardless of how it looks to you. Progress takes place even if it is not apparent to you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 29-September-2010

SaLuSa 29-September-2010

Your beliefs are structured in such a way, that they form the basis of your response to the various situations that confront you several times a day. When you come into life, you incarnate with all of the experience you have gained over hundreds of lives. As you grow up you are moulded in a way that your parents believe in themselves, and it also becomes your way until you reach an age where you can think for yourself. Such developments are often the cause of friction within families, as parents feel it is their duty to enforce their beliefs on their children. However, as is normally the case, young people usually pull away from their upbringing to experience life as they choose. This results in each generation creating a new paradigm for their place in life. Eventually there is a coming together of ideas, and generally it is how progress is made. Progress in this sense does not necessarily mean changes for the better, but if you look back you will note that there is an easing of controls and taboos that have often stifled progress.

When you accept that your evolution is monitored and controlled by higher Beings, you will understand that changes are introduced through new ideas. These often originate with the younger generations, and that is carefully planned. Today you are living in a society that has been breaking down for a very long time, and as it does so those who have an expanded consciousness are able to introduce the vision of a new age. This fits in with the ever-increasing levels of consciousness, and manifests that which is required to create your path to Ascension. As we have so often mentioned, there cannot be a resurrection of the old ways, as they have served their purpose and do not carry the new energy that is needed for your upliftment. Therefore often what seems to be undesirable conflict is the result of the transmutation of the old in preparation for the new.

You do not need to be alarmed regardless of how severe some of the changes are, as what is needed to bring them to fruition already exists. For example the new Earth already exists in a higher dimension, and as it descends to meet you, your vibrations are being raised to meet it. Have we not informed you that nothing of the old can remain, unless it has manifested sufficiently to be part of the new paradigm. That is where you can all play your part in bringing the new into your lives. It starts through visualisation and eventually it attracts the higher energy and materialises, and that is why we constantly mention the need to keep your focus on the future. The more of you that do so, the quicker you can move forward. Be assured even if you cannot see the changes taking place, they are in fact speeding up.

We of the Galactic Federation are overjoyed at what we see occurring on Earth, as you are emerging from the controls of the past millennia that have deliberately held you back. You are awakening to your true selves and have realised your potential to bring about changes, that will give back your freedom. Moving from the darkness into the Light cannot happen overnight, but you have grounded the Light upon Earth and the grid is now operative. We wish you could see it as we do then you would have no doubts whatsoever about your future. Our coming will provide a great sense of relief, and you will see for yourselves the changes taking place that we have mentioned so often. It is not that we have been idle, as at any given time we always have work to do keeping a balance upon Earth. In this way we can direct and control the changes, so that they can occur without too much disruption in your lives.

It has never been our role to live your lives for you, and part of your experience is to reap the benefits or otherwise of your efforts. You learn from your mistakes, and gradually you are able to lift yourselves up. At present you have reached quite a high point, and it is heart warming to see the amount of Love and Light that is being generated. It all holds good for your future as you are deservedly leaving duality behind. It is also beneficial to Mother Earth, who finds that her tasks are somewhat less turbulent than they might have been. All the signs are promising for a move by us to start our open contact with you. However, do not despair if it does not happen immediately as timing is so important for such an issue. There is a good feeling arising amongst you, and it comes from the calmer approach of those that have found their peace within. You affect each other far more than you realise, and we urge you to keep calm whatever takes place about you.

There is a favourite expression that is used that is very applicable to you all right now, and that is to “go with the flow”. When you can do it, life will become a smooth ride and you will avoid the pressures that it may otherwise impose upon you. You as ever chose your path and it can be exactly as you want it to be through visualisation, and focussing upon what you want. You may feel that your contribution will make little difference, but that is far from the truth. In so doing you do in fact attract more energy to yourself, and that means when numbers of you get together your potential power increases exponentially. Now that you are on the last lap it is so important to keep the winning post in sight. We have no doubt that you will succeed, and we want you to go forward with the same confidence.

The period you are in now is also one in which you should try to disengage your self from the lower energies, to the extent that you do not involve yourself in the negative aspects of the news. Yes, by all means be aware of what is happening, and quickly pass on, and this will help prevent any of your energy being given away. There is now no reason to fear the consequences of any activity on Earth, as we have been given more authority to intervene where the results may become serious. Mother Earth is restless and must forge ahead with changes that are vital to her Ascension, but they need not be devastating. All is planned in such a way to minimise the after effects, and that is where we come in. You may not be aware of our presence, as much of our work is carried without any visible sign that we were involved.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and compliment you all for sticking to your belief in us, and soon that confidence will be rewarded. Go about your daily tasks knowing that a lot of love from us accompanies you on your journey.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa 3-September-2010

SaLuSa 3-September-2010

You are moving so far ahead of the dark Ones, that they have no hope of altering the outcome. They have no answers to the growing Light levels, and can only persist with their attempts to stop you reaching Ascension. Their nature is to follow what worked previously, but you have become much wiser and are no longer easily fooled. You now have the power and it cannot be taken from you, providing you continue to keep your focus on the Light. You will be helping create the conditions that will lead to the changes destined to give you to victory over the dark Ones. Already there is confusion in their ranks as it becomes obvious that they are losing their way. There is also a global revolution against them, as the truth about them is becoming known.

We would ask you not to relax your efforts to bring more Light to Earth, as the more successful you are the sooner our Allies can come to the fore. Although the main focus is upon activities in the U.S., the fact remains that there are other countries that will play an important role at this time. They have had to work in unison to face the might and power of the Illuminati, and have made a stand against them. Fortunately for all concerned, we monitor such events and are able to give assistance when needed. In reality we always have the edge, because of our resources and advanced technologies. We have had to smile at times because of the audacity of the Dark Ones, believing that we would allow them to develop a Space Wars System. Off Earth we have the last word in matters such as this, and we have prevented weapons of mass destruction being positioned in Space.

We are able to keep one step ahead of the dark Ones because we know of their plans. They have no real answer to the predicament they have landed themselves in. All they can think of is how to escape the inevitable time when they will be ousted. Be assured that there is no escape, even although they have the benefit of advanced technologies that you have little knowledge of. One day they will answer for all of their actions, and it is no different for them to anyone else. That is why we urge you to allow matters to evolve naturally, as your prime concern should be upon your Ascension. You are going to join the company of Beings similar to your ascended selves, and will leave the old dimension behind for good. However, some of you may choose to drop into the lower level again in the interest of serving others, and service is the criterion for all who move into higher dimensions.

Meanwhile, you try to make sense of what is happening on Earth as you see the old ways still in place, yet you hear of changes that are starting to manifest. It is what is to be expected as the new energies create the opportunity to bring the changes about. As you see so much breaking up that was considered a permanent part of your life, it is simply creating the space for the new era to begin. For those of you who seek change it does not come as a surprise, but for others less well informed it would seem chaotic and out of control. No individual can see or grasp the whole picture, but part of our role will be to gradually pass onto you as much information as possible. There is truly so much that you need to learn before Ascension, and we shall acquaint you with quick learning methods to speed up your education.

Our main means of communion will be your television services, until we can equip you with a personal unit that you can take with you. Even now some of you meet with us in out of the body meetings, and you return to Earth to carry out your mission. Some remember such meetings, and by its very nature seems dreamlike. In time there will be a more open contact and we will be happy to invite you on board our ships, as a pleasurable visit. Our Motherships are immense by your way of thinking, and they can accommodate hundreds of you at a time. Some of them around you Earth at present are a hundred miles in diameter and stationed in the outer ring. In our much smaller craft that are for use in your atmosphere, we visit you on Earth and we are seen often by you. However, a lot of our activity is carried out with the craft invisible to your eyes, but seen on your radar detection units. We prefer to keep out of sight, as the least your dark Ones know about our work, the better it is.

The disclosure announcement is hardly necessary when it comes to proving we are real. So much evidence about us has been amassed, that it is no longer a matter of the proof of our being. It is however the outcome that will ensure that we are accepted by you, and have permission to land openly on Earth. The sooner the better as we have so much to get started, and we know how much you desire our presence amongst you. We come in peace as your family with the authority to help you and Mother Earth prepare for Ascension. It is a privilege to serve in this way, and we offer you our experience gained from seeing other civilisations through a similar period. We can say no more than that we would like to see matters get underway by the end of this year. That would be a great boost for you as you enter 2011, with such a relatively short time to the end of the cycle. Indeed can you believe that it is so close, as time accelerates even faster than before?

Some people are very sceptical when we talk of having prevented you from destroying your Earth. However you have come close to doing so on more than one occasion. Yet you are beginning to understand how dangerous nuclear weapons are, and their potential for massive destruction. Then there is the lasting damage to your ecosystem that can remain for many, many years. The Earth is your beautiful home for your physical journey through life. It grieves many that such lack of care can occur, but that is the whole point – because the Illuminati planned your demise. You can now consider such things as history, because Mother Earth will not be subjected to such uncaring again. She is to be restored and cleansed through both of our efforts, and that will be ongoing until Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you could already be with us, but that time will soon come and you will get to know much about the Galactic Federation. There are a number of Federations that serve the Light, and beyond them many Councils of Light that directly serve God.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 31-May-2010

The Ascension finishing tape is in sight, but you will have had to enter the race if you are to cross that line. Even so there are still hurdles to cope with, and we encourage and help everyone to complete the course. In reality you all commenced many lives ago, knowing that this wonderful opportunity would be presented to you all before the end time. As you know by now, right up to the last it will be your choice as to whether you ascend. When the stirring starts to occur within, you will wonder what is happening in your life, as you will know that something is missing. It is likely to be an unsettling time, until you realise that the answers are also within. You will find that you are awakening to the urge to find your true self. You will know that you are more than just your physical body, and feel your spiritual awakening opening your eyes and heart. Sooner or later your path will open up, and the way will be lit with the truth.

The question is do you want to remain in duality, or break out of your sleepwalk and move fully aware into the Light. What awaits you is largely beyond your present understanding, but as you rise up so your consciousness will expand. So many Beings accompany you on your journey, and they will do everything in their power to help you and urge you ever onwards. You will surely know if you are one such soul, you are well on the way to the completion of your experiences in duality. It will be clear to you that you have learnt your lessons, and are ready to move on. There may be some tidying up to do on the way home, but a smooth pathway will carry you to Ascension.

Life seems to be a series of unconnected events, but in fact they are all connected which is why Mankind goes forward as a whole. In totality you all represent the mass consciousness of every soul, and you have been carefully nursed and led through your experiences in the roles you have chosen to play. It has been planned very carefully so as to awaken you slowly but surely, in a gradual rise in consciousness that you could cope with. The powerful energies coming to you from the higher dimensions have paved the way to the future, and will soon see you through the next big step in the process of Ascension. No attempts to prevent it will succeed, and it matters little what shall precede it on Earth. Just keep your sight on the reason you are here at this wondrous time, and know that any difficulties will be short lived. It is the end result that is important that comes with the closing of the cycle of duality.

Are you feeling a bit disconnected from day to day happenings, because you will in some ways become distant as you move more into a different mindset. Be assured you are not losing your memories, but the mundane events of Earth no longer have the power to hold your attention. Your mind is often “somewhere else” and you temporarily lose touch with reality. Your consciousness is moving into a higher vibration, as you merge closer to your Higher Self. You are in strange times to what you normally experience, but as the veil is lifted the Light will illuminate your mind with the truth of who you really are. In reality you are great Beings of Light, who stepped down into the lower realms for no other reason than that you wanted to expand your evolutionary experiences.

Dear Ones, there is so much to take in during these changing times, so let go of the old ways unless they serve the Light, and be ready to change your beliefs to those that come with the New Age. The way is simple and the direction is signposted by Love and Light. If you can find balance and harmony in your life now, we would say that you are already living from a higher state of consciousness. Is it then no wonder that you feel different to many people around you, and find their ways no longer acceptable? It is a sign of the separation that is occurring at the present time, and it is a perfectly normal development.

Once we can have direct contact with you, the changes will speed up and people will gravitate to those who are like themselves. Groups with a common interest will grow, and their contribution to the work ahead will hasten the whole process. This is something we encourage, and be assured we already know who has the abilities or qualifications to assist us. You will be invited to share our technological knowledge, and help use advanced equipment to clean up your Earth. It will not take long by your standards, and then all efforts can be concentrated on restoring your rights. The gap between where you are now and where you need to be must be bridged as soon as possible, to smoothly transition you to the ascended state.

If you are unclear as to what it all means it will be spelt out once we can use your media to reach you. The immensity of what is to come will astound you, and certainly the speed at which it will take place. Life for many will change to become a happy experience and full of excitement, as you are lifted up out of your suffering and your needs catered for at last. We speak of both your material and spiritual needs, as each is important to lift you up. Your fairy tale ending to life is to move into your reality, and it will be befitting for Humankind who has gone through so much heartache and disappointment. Happiness and joy will be the key to your next challenge, as you leave duality for good.

We of the Galactic Federation will close this message, by assuring you that everything is moving forward satisfactorily despite outer appearances. Naturally we would have preferred that matters were more advanced, but we have to go with the flow. We ask you to do the same and adjust as necessary, because the obstacles will be removed and the way forward will become a smooth journey. Make allowances for the strange times you are in, that are unlike any previous occasion and result from conditions imposed upon you by the dark forces. They never intended you should be settled and have time to enjoy your lives. That approach will however be consigned to the past very soon, and replaced with all that is needed for a happy life.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and most pleased with your response to our presence, which makes our tasks so much easier to carry out.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 28-May-2010

As the truth gains more ground, so those who reject it work against it and spread disinformation. It therefore begs of you to be discerning in what you accept, and that you find sources that are consistent and trusted. As always your intuition should be your guide, and if necessary you can always put anything aside until such times as you can make a firm decision about it. With time you will that you become adept at spotting dubious messages or articles. If the ring of truth is not there for you, then clearly it should not be given your acceptance. However, as we like to point out, you also need an open mind so that your understanding of the truth can be expanded where possible. It is ongoing and will go forward with leaps and bounds, once we are able to come out openly to you. Everything possible will be done to present the truth in a gentle way, without any judgement upon those who have allowed themselves to be misled. The truth will always carry the energy of Light and it will sweep away those false teachings and deliberate lies, which have blighted the scriptures and ancient teachings.

The truth commences with the one omnipotent God of your Universe. Many mortals may have been seen as gods, and named as such but there is in reality only the One Supreme God. Different names may have been used, and some souls have deserved to be considered Saint, however, there is still only the One Truth, and The One God. It is a good point to start from which it will bring people together, and put a stop to the claims that one persons God is better than another. The next step is to remove the teachings that have not originated from God or his true servants. The Laws of God are quite clear and based on Unconditional Love, and anything less is not of God’s word. New ones will accompany Man as he ascends, and with his higher consciousness levels they will allow him even greater freedom than before. Life in the Galaxy is so varied and at different stages of evolution, that Man will need to know how to conduct himself.

Life is certainly not dull on Earth, but you are never totally free to do as you wish. Real freedom is when the Galaxy is yours to travel, and that will come to you in good time. With our advanced forms of transportation, distance is no problem and we can make frequent journeys to far off stars whenever we want. It also helps that there is no issue where we are personally concerned, as we are in a perfect state of health, and do not age as you do. Also our Space Craft are totally self-supporting and provide all of our needs. In fact we could easily survive in them for several hundred years, as you understand time. Time is not constant and you would find inter stellar travelling strange at first, but you are now grasping the idea that the past, present and future are all in the Now.

Coming back to Earth, your time is up and in the future you will put all of your experiences to good use. You have plumbed the depths, and now you are to rise up quite spectacularly with a quantum leap into the higher realms. Your future will bear no resemblance to duality, and instead give you every happiness and opportunities to share your acquired wisdom with others. Remember that you will have become the Masters that you really are, and will be welcomed into other life streams. Life is bountiful, and exists everywhere making its way along an evolutionary path as you have done so. Much of it is invisible to your eyes because it vibrates at a different rate to yours. As an ascended Being and through the power of thought, you will be able adjust to it just as we sometimes do. You will have many attributes that will seem quite remarkable, such as being in two places at once.

Matters on Earth are heading for a showdown, and it is just a matter of months before a major step forward can be taken. There is of course always a degree of uncertainty because of the number of people involved in making sweeping changes. Certainly everything is at the ready and we continually adjust our plans according to the changes on Earth. Our appearance will be orderly and preceded by appropriate announcements, that are near to coming out. These are crucial to our arrival as any other way could be interpreted as a show of force on our part. That is not our way, and even when the ultimate date is reached when we shall lead the way, it will still be done through your officials. It is one thing to show our craft and us in a casual way, but it is now important to gain your agreement to an open landing and official contact with your leaders.

Whatever happens on Earth, never lose sight of the reason you are in the end times. Ascension is the most important aspect of your future experiences. What is taking place now is the chaos being perpetuated by the dark forces; they have lost their way and try to buy time by preventing us from coming. That ploy will not work, and the longer it goes on, the more it rebounds upon them creating more dissent in their own ranks. They are imploding and fighting to keep their heads above water, but it will be to no avail as their capitulation is assured. It is as you might say a messy business, but that is unavoidable when dealing with those who have no conscience where their actions are concerned. They also lack compassion for those whose lives they have destroyed, but one day they will be called to answer for all of their misdeeds.

Carry on as best you can, knowing that your suffering will not last and soon you will see the new direction that Mankind is heading into. Already the foundations are in place for a quick change, where your financial systems are concerned. Our allies in many countries are agreed on a plan for a metals backed currency, and the end of the paper currency that has led you into bankruptcy. These are the essential changes to set up a fair system, that will protect your earnings and property from unconstitutional laws. The changes will affect the whole world and that is indeed the intention, so that you are released from unfair systems that include your tax laws. There is at last a glow on the horizon as the Light permeates into every corner of your world.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and carry greetings from the Galactic Federation to all of you, thanking you for your faith in us and the higher powers of Light. You are great souls who we greatly admire, and send our love for your upliftment.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 26-May-2010

SaLuSa 26-May-2010

Never forget the power of thought, it can heal you as an individual and collectively determine your future. So no matter what appears on the horizon, you can decide how it will manifest in your lives. The coming changes that are going to uplift you will be welcome, but there are also others involving physical changes to the Earth. Depending on where you live they may have little effect if any upon you, and in addition our presence will ensure that they are directed in such a way, to avoid maximum damage. Whatever happens around you, your visualisation to introduce a harmonious and balancing energy will help to lessen the effect. Also bear in mind that outside help such as ours is more readily available, when your prayers or supplications are received. For example it is only in recent times, that you have made a powerful call for help from us, and that has given us permission to respond. Without such a plea it would otherwise have been seen as interfering with your freewill.

On Earth you have draconian laws that are often neither fair or justified, and are in fact introduced purely to keep a firm control over everything you do. You are also subject to Universal Law as we are, and unless they are observed even higher powers will intervene. It has happened many times where your civilisation is concerned, resulting in meetings and councils to decide the right course of action. Wise souls adjudicate on such occasions and we observe and obey their conclusions. Man tends to be hasty and does not yet consider the effect of his actions upon others. Wars are for example the ways of those who have no understanding of the oneness of All That Is. They not only incur immense karma but set your evolution back very severely. The wanton killing of innocent people as a means to settle your differences is a gross insult to your Creator. You have absolutely no right to take the life of another soul, and the fact that such abominations occur is an indication of how retarded some of you are. However, we are pleased to say that as the Love and Light has spread around the Earth, so the sanctity and preciousness of life is becoming understood.

Realise that as you travel the path to Ascension so you will raise your consciousness, and your whole concept and understanding of life will change. It is only God who can create life as you know it, and Man will never be able to ensoul his own creations. Yes Man can create forms with limited consciousness or hybrids, but it is only a vehicle for a soul to inhabit. Can you see Dear Ones why you cannot “own” another soul, which is a free spirit to experience as it chooses? When two souls decide to procreate, the soul that takes their physical creation has chosen them as its parents. That is indeed a soul to be dearly loved and guided through its childhood, and allowed where possible to follow its preferred life plan. As parents have often found, a soul has a powerful urge to follow its instincts and has definite views as to where its future lies. Be proud of such a soul and know you have been chosen because you have something of value to give each other.

Life is really not as complicated as it may appear, and if you understand Universal Law such as the Law of Attraction you can do much to achieve success. Karma is often repeated because lessons are not learnt, and they will continue to confront you until you do. Be assured it is through this law that you set out your path and if you know how to use it, it will make it a lot easier. Naturally your life plan takes precedence, and your Guides will do all they can to ensure that it is fulfilled. You do not really want to repeat lessons if you can avoid it. So often we hear you ask “why me” when something unpleasant occurs in your life, but think carefully about the lesson it is bringing to you. Also bear in mind that sometimes a soul will incarnate and bear the consequences to simply help another soul. We must therefore inform you again that there is no punishment involved, and God continues to love you unconditionally regardless of what you think.

It is only natural that every soul desires to be loved, and if you first love Self it will be easier to express it where others are concerned. See in yourself and others the godself that you all are, and release all judgement. You will find that life suddenly feels different, and that a peace enters it that knows no equal. Live and let be all that is around you, and bless all those souls sharing your journey with you. You will be an inspiration for them, and they will begin to understand that Man is a sentient Being. Duality has as it were thrown you to the lions, and you have fought to uphold your dignity and right to decide your own future. Hold fast to your beliefs, but be ever aware of the opportunity to take a positive step forward. Let no one force their beliefs onto you, particularly if their way is fear based. The energy of Love is pure and comes to you from the Creator, and is beyond corruption and is all that will remain after the changes have taken place. Think upon this and do your best to follow in the footsteps of your teachers of the Truth.

As you progress nearer to Ascension, you will find that the changes within Self are becoming pronounced. You will know with certainty that you are expanding your consciousness, as would be expected of one who is following the path of Light and Love. This will be your assurance that you are well along the path to Ascension, and that your physical body is becoming crystalline. In fact it is necessary if you are to ascend with your physical body, which would otherwise be unable to exist in the higher vibrations. As you get nearer to the end times, you will get adequate guidance as to what you can do to be ready for a wonderful upliftment. It will of course be just one stage in a continuing process that will see you rising even higher into the realms of Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and when you have closer dealings with the Galactic Federation members you will become more aware of the level that you are moving to. We really are your future selves, and in us you will see all of the qualities that are part of your Higher Self. We so often remind you that you are far more than you realise, and that lack of recognition is the result of thousands of years of servitude that has hidden your true identity. Your status has been demeaned and distorted, through the intent of the Illuminati to keep you in the dark and in ignorance. All that is changing now, and you can begin to express the real you – a loving and peaceful soul.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 24-May-2010

SaLuSa 24-May-2010

This year is undoubtedly going to become one that will be looked back upon as having been very historic where your evolution is concerned. It is a time when your eyes will be opened to the truth, and when you begin to claim back your powers. What has been taken away from you will be returned, so that you may commence a new period of self-empowerment. It will take time to achieve a full restitution by lawful means, but already the ground has been prepared. Those who have ruled unjustly will move aside, to allow a more spiritually based government to take over. It will be of an interim nature until a reformation has taken place to set up one that has the approval of the people.

Successive governments have been the puppets of the Illuminati, even if there was not complete awareness amongst the representatives. Their power has influenced policies world wide, and if necessary bribery and corruption has been used. However, the truth about their activities is being revealed, and their illegal institutions are being prepared for closure. So much is now surfacing and will continue to do so, until any facet of the dark forces presence has been removed.

All of the time your attention is attracted by world events, the Light is continuing to grow and is creating the protection that is necessary for your safety. In the past the scales have swung one way and then the other, but now the Light holds sway. In future the path will become smoother and easier for you but allow for some disturbances, as there is a lot more clearing up to do. These are all positive moves with Ascension in mind, and within the remaining period before it takes place momentous changes will occur. These are unavoidable, having regard to the extent of the damage done to you and your Earth over millennia of time. It is not just a matter of restoring what you had previously, but replacing and advancing it to new levels that will lift everything up. It is all calculated to hasten the rise in your levels of consciousness, necessary for you to ascend.

Dear Ones, with your experience you should be able to ride through the coming period of turmoil, without being detracted from your goal. At all times see the end result rather than what is yet to come as part of the changes. Do not worry as to how it will be reached, and be assured that all will end as decreed. No forces on or off Earth can now make any difference, and we of the Galactic Federation are charged with ensuring your success. It will not be long now before you are introduced to some of our members, and that will take away a lot of apprehension and doubt where some people are fearful of our presence. Of course there are negative Space Beings, but they are prevented from interfering with your Ascension.

Many awakened souls seek ways of helping others find their path, and that is welcomed at a time when some are making their first tentative search for the truth. It is recommended that you help when asked, but in replying do not shock them by trying to feed them too much at the time. Slow progress is far better that allows for information to be carefully considered, and not in any way forced upon them. There will a continual stream of revelations once we can communicate with you through your media, and with those early changes you can expect a whole series of programs designed to awaken you.

We so dearly want you to look beyond the beliefs of Man that have stood largely unchallenged for hundreds of years. In so many subjects such as science and religion, you have been led by those learned academics that have professed to hold the truth. The fact is that you have never stopped widening your understanding, and even now quantum leaps are taking place. Some of your beliefs are the result of genuine attempts to relay the facts to you. However, in other instances they have been deliberately manipulated to satisfy the ego of those concerned, or you have been knowingly told outright falsities. You will find that much you have been taught will come under scrutiny, and much will be found wanting. The truth will allow you to re-appraise your beliefs, and it will be supported by undeniable evidence.

As time progresses you will change from one of limited knowledge to a Galactic Being of full consciousness. Then you will be the Master that you really are, and release your full potential. There will be little or no comparison to the Being you are now of limited consciousness. After thousands of years slowly finding your way back through enlightenment, you are about to launch yourselves on a journey of immense meaning and opportunity. It is as though you have only just left the kindergarten, and are seeing for the first time the world outside. There are wonders and amazing experiences awaiting you, and once you learn more about them we know that you will never look back at this time. Your experiences in duality will have proved beneficial, and you will never need to walk that path again.

It is only in relatively recent times, that your minds have allowed for the understanding that you are much more than you were previously led to believe. With the advent of the Space Age you have expanded your vistas, to contemplate a different life where you are able to travel beyond the Earth’s boundaries. It will seem quite natural to leave your beautiful world, and take your place alongside us. As a civilisation you are proxy members of the Galactic Federation, and will be accorded all of the opportunities that will open you to a wonderfully exciting life. By comparison your Earth has been a self-imposed prison from which you are now being offered the keys of freedom.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and proud to be associated with the beautiful souls of Earth. The Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchies believe you are sufficiently awakened to accept the opportunity of Ascension that is being offered you. It requires little in return, and you will know if you are ready to take a quantum leap into the future, and whether you are on the path to Ascension. Many will have already made that decision, but those who are undecided will not be denied their chance to join you, but time is becoming short. A decision will have to made one way or the other very soon, as the alternative to Ascension is further experiences in a place of duality. We would wish for you all to ascend but your freewill to choose otherwise is paramount.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 21-May-2010

We would never condone violence, but Mankind sometimes resorts to it when his leaders fail to listen to them. So often elections are rigged, and the people are no longer prepared to accept such fraudulent behaviour. However, their protestations rarely produce any changes, and if they demonstrate it is often put down with violent methods. Yet, the mood of the people is moving towards achieving true democracy, and you will find there is some degree of unrest in many countries. The energy that is being created is having the desired affect, and changes for the better will come into being. Apart from this the plan for radical and far-reaching changes proceeds at a pace, as time continues to speed up. Together they will deliver your release from the clutches of the dark forces.

You are well on the homeward path, and Ascension is something you knew would be part of it when you decided to experience duality. When you look around you and see where you stand now, it must be more than apparent that you could not go on much longer without the whole system collapsing. We are here to see you safely through that period, and ensure that events are far less serious than they may otherwise have been. In many ways what you are going through now is the height of your experiences, and concluding events that show you the way out of your present crisis. They may not be pleasant but are essential if the Light is to be allowed to flourish. You may have noted the suddenness of the changes, and that will be a feature with increasing frequency. In the midst of it all it is undoubtedly chaotic, and seems to have no end in sight. However, with our continued help you shall see that at last souls of Light have moved into positions of authority, and will be able to have a positive influence on the outcome. The old brigade is almost routed and no longer has the future they envisaged. They have been dealt a severe blow against achieving their plan for world domination. We wonder did they really believe that God would allow them to prevent Ascension, and as they are beginning to understand the answer is an emphatic No!

Historically speaking, you have a record of failure when reaching a cycle’s end, but have clearly learnt something from those experiences. It may have been touch and go at the end of the last century, whether time would be extended for the benefit of those with an awakening consciousness. However, events have proved that it was the correct decision, and the mass level of consciousness continues to expand quicker than ever. You achieved it while at the same time going through one of the worst periods for Mankind. That is a great credit to your perseverance, and a vindication of the extension of time given you. It is true that right from the beginning of this solar cycle, the intent was to support you in every way so that mass Ascension could take place. Thus you stand ready to receive us as soon as the authority is given for it to go ahead. In view of the work we will do together, it is necessary that we come sooner than later. You are beginning to understand the way we operate, and you are making due allowances for the caution we show. Matters must be carried out in an orderly way that provides the people with security, and not that there should be a fearful response. Be assured we have planned for any outcome, but work towards a harmonious relationship with you.

We are the silent and mostly invisible forces of Light that are so much closer to you than you realise. That will of course change when we can fully uncloak our craft, and you will be in awe at the size of some of our ships. The every largest will stay well outside of Earth, but you shall observe some that are many miles in diameter and carry many small scout craft, that are suited for use in your atmosphere. The outer ring of ships are much in the way of a protective barrier, to ensure that unwelcome visitors are not allowed to interfere with your evolution. Apart from the Galactic Federation, very few Beings from other civilisations are given permission to enter your atmosphere or land on Earth. Usually they are crews on a scientific expedition, and sometimes from another Universe.

Outside of Earth there are recognised laws and protocol that apply to any interstellar travellers. This is one reason why Man is restricted from taking his craft outside of his solar system, because he does not yet recognise or understand the laws and is inclined to act irresponsibly. Also Man would take his weapons into Space as he does now, and prepared to use them in violation of such laws. You will soon have to dismantle all weapons of war, and in fact once true peace has been achieved it will not be disputed or ignored. If it were it would be to no avail, as there is nothing that can be hidden from our sight however well concealed it may be. Many times in the past your governments have been warned of the dangers to Mankind, through the use of nuclear devices. Their response has been exactly the same as when we offered to help achieve peace on Earth. Each time our offers have been rejected on the orders of the Illuminati, who have instead preferred to push forward with their own agenda for self-empowerment.

Perhaps you can understand our cautious approach as you quickly make your way to Ascension. It has been a long time since we started out on this journey, and at its conclusion we desire that it comes to you as a most momentous and enjoyable occasion. The preparation has therefore been made with it in mind, and we assure you that is exactly how it shall be. We are not just your friends but for many of you are your family, and those links go back thousands of years. The Cycle of Duality is but a small marker on your path back to the Light. Life will begin again for you when you have ascended, and then you will have returned to the levels that you left eons of time ago. Start thinking of us all as One, as we are in reality no different to you and it is just that we are at a more advanced stage than yours. We have the same desires as you, and we too seek the truth and knowledge of the Universes around us. The Creator has given us all immortal life, and all the splendours and infinite creations to enjoy. Evolution is never ending, and we serve others so that they too may benefit from our knowledge.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and feel that there is so much warmth of feeling towards us. For that we thank you and leave you with our love and blessings.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 17-May-2010

With the feeling that you never have sufficient time each day to do everything you want, it is not surprising that Man is generally seen as being impatient. Considering that your expectations have been lifted many times without seeing the predicted results, we commend you for exercising great fortitude and looking ahead to the time of completion. All said and done, the whole purpose of all that is taking place is directed towards a satisfactory conclusion to the cycle of duality. Your time in it has all but finished and yet in the remaining period, you will see the most rapid succession of events that at times will take your breath away. In truth you have been steadily making your way towards Ascension for many, many years. The recent ones have promised much without visible signs of progress, yet all of the time you have been edging nearer to the inevitable changes that must take place. Now you are experiencing the chaos that comes with the cleansing of the old systems, and at times it has unfortunate consequences. However, it is the prelude to the introduction of new ways of handling the problems that have developed. Be assured that all will turn out to your satisfaction, and in many instances far exceed your expectations.

We stand at the ready and are urging our allies to push on, and they do so having received assurance of our assistance at every turn. We do far more in this way than may be evident, and a most important function is the continual monitoring of Mother Earth. We ensure there is an ongoing balance to avoid extreme consequences, and are particularly concerned with the areas subject to earthquake activity. We can accurately predict where and when they may occur, and although we cannot interfere with necessary changes we can lessen their effects. We have for many years going far back into the last century, dealt with many problems arising from pollution and nuclear fall-out. We have limited contamination to avoid as far as possible genetic damage to the future generations. However, Man uses various energies to power his inventions that radiate out damaging rays to your health. Most of this is known to you, but little notice is taken by those who profit from them. Our technologies will deal with these problems, and we will introduce you to clean, healthy and safe devices.

The sad part of your stunted progress where technologies are concerned, is that so many of your useful discoveries have been deliberately shelved. You have been denied the inventions that would have tremendously improved your quality of life. You have been unnecessarily placed in a position where you have suffered through the lack of progress, and forced to live at a very low level of sustenance. However, all of that will be changed once we can openly arrive on Earth. A number of opportunities are opening up that will hasten the event, and we wait with interest to see who will be the first to announce disclosure. It is close to happening but if it is stalled once again, we have the authority to intervene and bring it about ourselves. We would prefer you to front the announcement, as we have no desire to appear to be forcing the issue. However, the Divine Plan does not allow for continued delays and there is a final date by which action is required. The Universe is ascending and all progresses well and as planned, but we cannot allow little Earth to dictate the timing. As important as you are to the whole, you are still a relatively small cog in a very big wheel.

We note that the pressures are rising for a complete financial appraisal, with a view to introducing a totally new system. We encourage such moves as the old one has proven to be inadequate, and not operating to the benefit of the people. Your banking system has been gradually eating away at your hard earned monies, and has had little regard if any for the hardships that result from their avarice. That power is being removed, but only a complete change will serve your real interests and establish a fair and honest system. You will be recompensed, as abundance will see the return of prosperity and a fair and equitable sharing of your wealth. You will gradually move into a new phase of life that will be a prelude to Ascension, and bring you nearer to the Oneness that you will enjoy. Dear Ones, we have no requirement for money as everything is shared, and each souls requirements are provided to ensure they have the best standard of life possible. When you have no such needs the quality of life is idyllic, and allows for ample time for the pursuance of personal interests. The labours of life as you now experience them will no longer exist, and you will not toil and work your knuckles to the bone to exist. It has only been the greed for power and wealth by the richest families in your world, that has limited your progress towards such a society on Earth.

You have been allowed freewill at all times in experiencing duality. You may therefore reflect on the fact, that you have innocently allowed yourselves to give it up to those who are the power behind virtually all decisions that effect your lives. This is the faction you know as the Illuminati, and they are no longer as powerful now due to the grand work of our allies. We have of course as always guided events along that have been beneficial to them, and that support is perfectly acceptable as the Light is allowed to confront the dark Ones. On Earth the battle is becoming more obvious, and is a reflection of a greater one that continues in the higher realms. The dark energies permeate the Universe, and are attracted to the lower vibrations wherever they exist. It is as though you signal your readiness to engage with them, and that is what has happened on Earth. For eons of time you have been under its influence, and in consequence Beings of low vibration have infiltrated your Earth. Now the vibrations have risen considerably, and your Earth is no longer a suitable place for them. As it continues to rise, so their influence is weakened and they lose their power over you. Eventually they will have no option but to leave the Earth, and that time rapidly approaches.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is no wonder that we have so much admiration for you. You have been in the thick of the battle between the Dark and Light for so long. Now your victory over them is nearing completion, and the Heavens are rejoicing. Let your Light beam out to everyone, even those who you recognise as dark Beings. Be generous in sharing your love with those wayward souls of darkness, they need you to help them on their way back to the Source, a journey that every soul takes.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.